Monday, January 21, 2013

Tracking Our Progress...

I don't know about you, but I'm a visual person. So, we've now added a fundraising thermometer on the side to help us track our fundraising progress. But first, I wanted to tell you what this amount represents...

Now that we are working with Christian Adoption Consultants, we have been advised by our consultant Tracie that we need to have about $15,000 in hand before we can start applying with the agencies that they work with and presenting our profile to potential birthmoms. She also advises that at that point we have a good idea of where the rest will come from. But for now, we want to focus on saving and raising the $15,000. This seems like a more attainable goal rather than putting the entire amount out there.

So, our raffle is under way and it's going great! I'm going to wait and announce the total raised at the end. But, it's not too late to still buy a ticket...or maybe even a few for your chance to win a great date night package. The deadline to buy tickets is January 31st.

Also, we've already started collecting items for a yard sale that we're planning to do in May. Plus, we have a few other ideas that we are working on...

Josh and I are going to sit down soon and come up with some deadlines and goals because that's just how our brains work. Although we willingly recognize that God is in control and we are trusting Him to provide for this adoption...we still feel like setting some goals will help us keep pressing forward.

Once again, we are SO grateful for the prayers and support thus far...I just can't express this enough!!

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