Sunday, August 18, 2013

A Progress Report...and Changes!

Just wanted to take a few minutes to provide another update on the adoption front.

During the month of June, I spent time working on our profile. This is like a photo album/scrapbook that tells all about us. This is what will be presented to potential birthmoms that they'll look through in order to learn about our family, ultimately deciding if they want to choose us to adopt their child.

I used a software program that our consultant Tracie recommended called, "myMemories Suite" by Polaroid. I love to scrapbook, but this was obviously all done on the computer. It took me a little bit to get used to the program and then to come up with the pictures and text, answering all of the pertinent questions that needed to be included. This is a service that our consultant can provide, but since I'm so familiar with scrapbooking, I felt confident that I could do it, and save some money. My goal was to complete it by the end of June, and I wasn't too far off. I sent it to Tracie to look over around July 4th and once I'd had a few days to tweek it, we got them printed. A big thanks to the UNCG Print Shop for printing them for us!

So, our next task was to get our fingerprinting done and sent to the FBI and SBI for clearances. We should have done this a while ago, but kept putting it off because we had to take time off work to go to the Sheriff's Department together. Anyway, we've gotten our clearance back from the SBI and are still waiting on the FBI.

Once this comes back, I'll put together packets to mail out to the various agencies that Tracie is recommending. We'll be sending them copies of our homestudy and profile. This will sort of be the official start to bringing our next child home. It will involve us learning about birthmoms and situations and deciding if we want to present our information...and then if so, waiting to be matched.

We also have plans to do at least 1 more fundraiser this fall. We've been continuing to save money this summer, but still have more that we'll probably need to raise prior to getting matched. We would appreciate your continued prayers and look forward to sharing more in the next few weeks.

In the meantime, we've got plenty of other things going on! Rachel starts Kindergarten next Monday, August 26th. She'll be attending Gibsonville Elementary School. And the other big news is that Josh is starting a new job! He'll be leaving the Dean of Students Office at UNCG and going to work at Elon as the Director for the Office of Student Conduct. While this move is a little bittersweet, he's excited for this new challenge and looking forward to new opportunities. I'm an Elon Alum, so I'm excited to have more opportunities to go back to campus. SO...this fall is going to bring lots of change. We're confident that the Lord is walking with us and will continue to guide our steps throughout this adoption process. We trust His perfect plan and timing!

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